Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Caliphate starts destroying heritage sites in Mali

Ho Hum  snooze  snore zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz     Wake me up when the Caliphate reaches North America.  What ?!!!!    It's almost here?!!!  NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  

From the NYTimes: 
.....Islamist militants, wielding pickaxes, began destroying the mausoleums of Muslim saints in the northern city of Timbuktu on Saturday, witnesses said.
The militants from the group Ansar Dine, which controls much of northern Mali, adhere to a strict version of Islamic law and consider the shrines of the local Sufi version of Islam idolatrous.
Just days ago, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or Unesco, put Timbuktu on its list of endangered world heritage sites, fearing damage to landmarks and cultural treasures in the wake of a coup that ousted Mali’s government in March.
A local Malian journalist, Yeya Tandina, said the Ansar Dine fighters had already destroyed the mausoleum of Sidi Mahmoud, one of the 16 shrines in Timbuktu, and had declared that they would demolish all the others.
“They are armed and have surrounded the sites with pickup trucks,” Mr. Tandina said by telephone. “The population is just looking on helplessly.”..........

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