Saturday, June 9, 2012

Burkha wearing suicide bomber blows up four French soldiers

How long before  burkha wearing murderers blow themselves up  in crowded places in  North America?  These attacks on North Americans would be as  cleverly coordinated and  executed as were the 9/11 horrors.  Just think how used we have become to the sights of  black and blue tents walking our streets and shopping around in malls and in supermarkets.  Now think 100 tents walking in different areas of, let's say Toronto or New York .... and blowing themselves up, all within a 30 minutes span or less. Imagine the chaos.  What do you think the casualties would amount to?  Even if each murderer takes out 5 innocent souls, we would have 500 dead (not counting the scumbags) and countless injured.

Don't forget to send an "advanced" Thank You note to our Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.

A suicide bomber dressed in a burqa blew himself up near a French patrol in Afghanistan on Saturday, killing four soldiers and wounding five as the Taliban step up a spring offensive.

The attack - one of the deadliest on the French contingent in months - occurred in the mountainous Kapisa province in the east of the country, an area mainly patrolled by a French force under NATO command.

"It was an unfortunate incident. There was a patrol of coalition soldiers in a small bazaar and they were attacked by a suicide bomber wearing a burqa," Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqqi told Reuters......

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