Saturday, June 2, 2012

"Bitumen Sands" ... NDP loony tunes Mulcair's new term for the Oil Sands

MacKay's cartoon below says it all. Only total idiots are unable to see that the Oilsands has kept Canada from drowning in the economic tsunami of the last few years and continuing to date.  It's a given that the NDP and the Lib leaders are playing stupid, lying, hypocritical political games ... the alternative would mean that we do not have any credible opposition parties in Canada, and the CINOs, in spite of their shortcomings,  will rule forever because the Conservative Party seems to be the only party with the  largest  percentage of  common sense adults.

.... “If removing that linguistic impediment can make the conversation easier, I’m not going to keep it in place intentionally,” he said after the near slip of the tongue. “Unfortunately a linguistic cleanup doesn’t change anything about what we’re talking about in terms of the ecosystems.” ....

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