Monday, June 25, 2012

Arson suspected in gutting of Indian religious shrine revered by both Muslims and Hindus

The Wahhabi killer sect just cannot bear to see Hindus and Muslims living in peace in the India controlled part of Kashmir State.  Those pointing a finger at the Saudi funded terrorist groups from Pakistan creating trouble in India are more than just taking a guess because every time there's trouble between Hindus and Muslims in India, the instigators prove to have come from Pakistan.

Furthermore, Wahhabism does not allow shrines or tombs dedicated to any person or saint because that would mean a watered-down Islam, so of course, they would want to see such edifices  destroyed.  The poor uneducated Muslims in Kashmir don't understand that and will be made to think by the terrorists that the Indian govt. carried out this crime.  Some reports seem to indicate that  mobs attacked the police thinking that the Indian army is responsible for the arson.

A fire has broken out at the more than 100-year-old shrine of Dastgeer Sahib in the Khanyar area of Srinagar. Fire tenders have been rushed to the spot to bring the blaze under control at the shrine that is mostly made up of wood. However ancient relics of the saint, housed in the Shrine have been saved and retrieved. Officials say since they were kept in a fire-proof safe they remained unharmed.

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