Sunday, June 24, 2012

The abundance of stupidity from the Useless Nitwits is unbelievable

If only America would come to it's senses and exit the United Nations, this damn entity would collapse like a house of cards that it really is.  If it wants to stay upright, let the Muslim nations and communist countries who are it's real masters anyway, support the monstrosity.  
Canada, PLEASE EXIT from the UN.
Anthony Wile writing at RightSideNews:
UN-Water Survey Examines Water Law Reform ... Twenty years ago this June world leaders gathered in Rio de Janeiro for an Earth Summit to develop an action plan for sustainable development.

They discussed a wide variety of topics including climate change, alternative sources of energy to replace fossil fuel and the growing scarcity of water. This June, world leaders will gather once again for the Rio+20 Conference to examine the progress that has been made. – WaterWorld

Here we go again!

Leading proponents of "leveling" are preparing to descend on Brazil for the upcoming Rio+20 Earth Summit, hosted by the United Nations, and one of the items on the menu will be a re-valuation of the UN's muddled Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) initiative.

The results will doubtless be a further weakening of property rights around the world under the guise of communitarianism and outright socialism.

IWRM is part of the UN's overall infamous Agenda 21 "Sustainable Development Initiative" – basically a rhetorical cover for a global abrogation of private ownership. It's a way to impose top-down governmental/elite control of water resources by maintaining that water belongs to everyone.
UN bureaucrats have seized the opportunity to conflate the phony crisis of "water scarcity" with the equally phony crisis of "global warming."

UN officials are forever discovering crises that can only be solved by the UN itself. But there is no world water crisis – except that which is imposed on people via corruption, neglect or outright maliciousness. The world is 70 percent water. And there are plenty of compact water purification devices – more every year as technology advances – that can purify as much water as needed.
Private-market solutions to the water crisis are evident also, to well-meaning people, and have been for centuries. Nothing has changed.

One simple – non-radical solution – is to let individuals bid on water leases. Once people have an investment they have an incentive to keep water clean and maximize the resource. Don't want multinationals involved? Don't let them bid....

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