Monday, May 7, 2012

Who is Francois Hollande?

His background and his past can help analyze what his policies for France might look like.  As for how he might be able to set back the tsunami wrought on France by the cult of islam, I fear he will  do more      for the   cult's cause     then against it.  Or maybe he is actually like what his ex-partner thinks of him (see last line of this post).
   ...Known throughout his 30-year political career    mainly as jovial backroomer and party fixer, Hollande's highest profile job, until now, was the often self-deprecatory, executive secretary of the Socialist party, while other, more glamorous folk sought its political leadership — and almost tore the party apart in the process....

...When he first ran for the party's presidential nomination five years ago, he was crushed by his more telegenic partner (and the mother of his four children) Segolene Royal, who went on to lose to Sarkozy....

....Bitten by the political bug at 19, as a Socialist party volunteer in the 1974 presidential election, Hollande went on to became a special adviser to Mitterand after he won in 1981...

...Hollande's economic platform calls for rolling back the retirement age from 62 to 60, hiring some 60,000 more teachers, holding off balancing the budget until 2017, and imposing a 75 per cent top tax bracket on those earning more than a million euros ($1.3 million) a year. "I don't like the rich," he is reported to have once said.
He has also promised to cut his presidential salary by a third and do away with the judicial immunity that a French president enjoys....

....And Royal played her part by campaigning for him this time, even appearing on the same stage, but with no visible enthusiasm.
She has also described him as being "incapable of action" and as having "achieved nothing in 30 years of public life

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