Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Solar Eclipse made them do it.... muzzies on an intense 3-day killing spree

I say the muzzies are not to be blamed.  All the killing that followed after the solar eclipse was because the Great Satan alongwith the Little Satan went to the sun and fired solar flares into muzzie peanut-sized brains. The longer the range, the better the accuracy to find those peanuts.  And, look folks, Pakistan has the most number of pea-sized brains.

2012.05.26 Iraq Badush  Three Iraqis are blown to bits by Jihadi bombers.

2012.05.26 Pakistan Kharan  A 12-year-old boy and his uncle are brutally shot to death by suspected Muslim radicals.

2012.05.26 Nigeria Yobe  Two men are gunned down in their own homes by Islamic extremists.

2012.05.26 Kenya Dadaab Eight people suffer shrapnel injuries when al-Shabaab militants toss grenades into a refugee camp.

2012.05.26 Nigeria Maiduguri A local politician is assassinated by Boko Haram.

2012.05.25 Pakistan Kazi Ahmed Islamic 'separatists' murder seven passengers on a civilian bus.

2012.05.25 Pakistan Sukkur Two women are murdered by family members over sex

2012.05.25 Thailand Narathiwat Four Islamic militants ambush and murder a local cop.

2012.05.25 (Helmand, Afghanistan) - Sunni radicals kill three Afghans with two bombs.

2012.05.25 (Hazm, Yemen) - A woman and her three children are among eighteeen killed when an al-Qaeda suicide bomber plows into a crowd of Shiites.

2012.05.25 (Kazi Ahmed, Pakistan) - Islamic 'separatists' murder seven passengers on a civilian bus.

2012.05.24 (Galkayo, Somalia) - Radicals throw a grenade into a rival mosque, killing at least two.

2012.05.24 (Killi Chakar, Pakistan) - Militant Sunnis take down a Shiite in a targeted attack.

2012.05.24 Pakistan Lahore A Shiite is shot to death by Sunnis.

2012.05.24 Pakistan Kohat Terrorists kill a bystander with a bomb placed near a bus stop.

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