Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Many more blessings from the Religion of Peace

Another 4-day contest, and once again Nigeria triumphs with the killing of 65 innocents, almost all of them Christians. Second place goes to Pakistan with 24 points.

2012.05.05 (Iligan, Philippines) - Two cousins are killed when suspected Muslims activists toss a
                   grenade into a restaurant.
2012.05.04 (Yala, Thailand) - Islamic snipers pick off a father in his pickup truck and seriously injure his
                   7-year-old son.
2012.05.04 (Khar, Pakistan) - Tehrik-e-Taliban suicide bombers at a bazaar send two dozen
                   innocents  to  Allah.
2012.05.04 (Taraba, Nigeria) - Muslim extremists gun down five villagers.
2012.05.03 (Pattani, Thailand) - Four Buddhists are hunted down and assassinated by Muslim gunmen.
2012.05.03 (Potiskum, Nigeria) - Islamists toss bombs and fire into a cattle market, massacring about
                   sixty innocents
2012.05.02 (Afghanistan Kabul) Four children on their way to school are among seven innocents torn to
                    shreds by Fedayeen suicide bombers disguised in burq

via: TROP

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