Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Blake Allison goes to Guantanamo to thank terrorists for murdering his wife on 9/11

This is all I can think of  to say about this fucked up individual: 

 %$!$*&^@^@^    *&^%%%@)(*    &^%$#(**)

What are the bets that this fuck is secretly very pleased that the terrorists got her. Logical explanation, my dear Watson.

The husband of a woman who was killed when her plane smashed into the World Trade Centre on 9/11 visited Guantanamo Bay to try and save the lives of the men suspected of being behind the attack.

Blake Allison, 62, held a secret hour-long meeting last week with the lawyers of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and four of his accomplices.

Incredibly, during the extraordinary meeting he offered to testify in court against the death penalty being used against the men.

The wine-company executive is a vocal critic of capital punishment and said he wants the U.S government to spare the lives of the five men - even if they are convicted of a host of death-penalty charges.

Speaking to the New York Post, he said: 'The public needs to know there are family members out there who do not hold the view that these men should be put to death.

'We can’t kill our way to a peaceful tomorrow.'

He added: 'Just because I was hurt very badly and personally does not, in my mind, give me the go-ahead to take a life.'...............

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