Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Best President that America has ever had ... according to numbskulls on the Left

If so, then definitely the Best President ever, The Most Intelligent President ever, The Most Articulate President ever, couldn't have made this gaffe unless his knowledge about Auschwitz and occupied Poland under the Nazis was minimal to say the least.  For a Prez of the USA, not to know that?  That's horrible !!

...Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk angrily demanded Wednesday that President Barack Obama explain his reference to "a Polish death camp" during a high-profile White House ceremony a day earlier, saying the remark smacked of " ignorance, lack of knowledge, bad intentions" and amounted to "a distortion of history."

"When someone says 'Polish death camps,' it is as if there were no Nazis, no German responsibility, as if there was no Hitler - that is why our Polish sensitivity in these situations is so much more than just simply a feeling of national pride," the prime minister said.

Tusk bluntly rejected National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor's expression of "regret" for the remarks and acknowledgement that Obama "misspoke" as falling woefully short of making up for the mistake.....

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