Friday, April 6, 2012

Many more gifts from the Religion of Peace .... so very generous, the muzzies

Continuing with the gifts received by the world from only March 13, 2012 onwards(should have thought of doing this ages ago).  At this rate, we will need a bigger world wherein to house all these marvellous gifts.

2012.04.05 (Sumisip, Philippines) - Four people at an agriculture co-op lose their lives to an Abu Sayyaf attack.
2012.04.05 (Karachi, Pakistan) - A Tehrik-e-Taliban suicide car bomber takes out four Pakistanis.
2012.04.04 (Kirkuk, Iraq) - A 16-year-old boy is beaten and strangled on suspicion of being homosexual.
2012.04.04 (Maiduguri, Nigeria) - Islamic radicals fire on Christian traders at a market, killing at least seven.
2012.04.04 (Maimanah, Afghanistan) - At least twelve people at a park are dismantled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2012.04.04 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - A Shahid suicide bomber detonates in a theater, killing at least ten innocents.
2012.04.04 (Pakistan, Jamrud ) A half-dozen bus passengers are sent to Allah by Muslim bombers.
2012.04.03  (Pakistan, Gari Bagh ) At least six people die from shrapnel injuries after a sectarian grenade attack on a Sunni rally.

via: TROP

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