Monday, March 26, 2012

Wind Turbines are a plague to Ontarians but a pleasure for Premier Dalton "Bird Soup" McGuinty

Margaret Wente writes:
The other evening I got a robo-call. It was an automated poll. The recorded voice told me to press “1” if I approved of wind turbines, and “2” if I disapproved. I pressed “2” – hard. So have a lot of other people in Ontario.

Across the countryside outside Toronto, wind turbines are spreading like a plague. They are being built over the strenuous objections of folks who live in rural towns, whose rights have been stomped on by the province. They’re chewing up birds. Worst of all, they’re chewing up billions of taxpayer dollars in the name of a green dream that’s nothing but a fantasy.

Premier Dalton McGuinty has heard the voters speak. In an effort to placate them, the government is going to trim its subsidies to wind and solar development and give the rural folks some say. The bad news is that these changes won’t affect the contracts already in place. Taxpayers will still be on the hook for soaring energy bills for years to come......

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