Friday, March 16, 2012

Some of the latest gifts from the Religion of Peace

New word to remember and use: "Infidelophobia".

2012.03.15 (Uruzgan, Afghanistan) - The lives of nine children and four women are snuffed out by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2012.03.15 (Pattani, Thailand) - A civilian dies after being hit with shrapnel in the head and face from a motorcycle bomb.
2012.03.14 (Mattani, Pakistan) - Sunni hardliners take out a young girl with a rocket.
2012.03.14 (Helmand, Afghanistan) - Three members of a family are among eight minibus riders obliterated by a Sunni bomb.
2012.03.14 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - An al-Shabaab suicide bomber sends four others to Allah.
2012.03.13 (Mosul, Iraq) - A professor and his sister are brutally shot to death by Muslim militants.

This Shiite mosque in Belgium was torched
(along with its custodian) by a Sunni rival last week.
"Islamophobia" gets all the attention, but it's "Infidelophobia" that quietly racks up over 10,000 dead bodies each year.

via: TheReligionOfPeace an excellent site which keeps tracks of the various everlasting gifts that are given to the world by the ever-generous cult of islam.

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