Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saudis can get away when they threaten the USA ... others not so lucky

Obama's USA  ...  or should I say Saudi Arabia's USA?   Obama's masters in Saudi Arabia play the tunes and  Obama dances to the music  like a banshee.

Do you know what happens to non-Saudi guys who threaten Obama and are not lucky enough to possess a Saudi passport?

CNS is reporting that: ....The Obama administration says it will not prosecute a Saudi Arabian national who the administration claimed in congressional testimony entered the United States on a student visa and then was arrested after threatening to blow up the White House.

On March 6, top officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) told the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security in both written and verbal testimony that DHS had arrested a Saudi national who was “threatening to blow up the White House and the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission to the United States.”........

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