Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pain in Spain

Christians do the most stupid things imaginable.  In their zest to prove how nice and goody-goody they are in following the teachings of the Bible, they welcome and take to heart even those who are plotting their demise.  That's not being nice, far from it.  That's called committing suicide, stealth suicide ... and  suicide  is a sin if you actually follow the Bible.

Spaniards can't see beyond their  bull-fights and their countless mistresses. When the caliphate takes over Spain... completely, within the next decade, the only thing these idiots will miss will be the bull-fights and their pork chorizos.   Islam anyway will give them as many females they desire but only when they are forcefully converted to islam. 

Don't pity the Spaniards ... they are getting what they deserve. 

...Bullfighting is now illegal in the Spanish province of Catalonia. Some arenas have been converted into business spaces.

But Muslims want to turn the most famous arena, the Coliseum, into a giant mosque.

In fact, some cities in Spain now look more like the Middle East. Muslims, who once ruled most of nation, are returning in large numbers.

In the city of Salt, parents have come to pick up their children from school. Muslims already make up 40 percent of city residents and will soon be the majority.

But the city government has pushed back, placing a one-year hold on a large mosque project funded by radical Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia.

For good measure, someone cursed the ground at the building site with a pig head that was still there when CBN News arrived. Islamic law forbids the building of a mosque on ground soiled by pigs. ......

h/t: SF

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