Saturday, March 31, 2012

Now we know why the Ottawa Police are always in the dark ....

they like the dark .... sissies !!!!   And, these are the kind of clowns we trust to serve and protect us. Freaks !!!!   Imagine these idiots being actually proud of celebrating Earth Hour by putting off the lights ... maybe to keep up with their own bulbs  that  must  have fuzed  long  ago. 

On Saturday, March 31, 2012, the Ottawa Police Service will join hundreds of millions of people around the globe to celebrate Earth Hour, the world’s largest public action for the environment.

Between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m., police headquarters at 474 Elgin Street will turn off the large illuminated “” sign on the south side of the building facing the Queensway. This symbolic gesture is meant to encourage all Ottawa residents and businesses to take action on climate change.....

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