Sunday, March 18, 2012

Now I know why Obama said there were "56/57" states in the USA

There ARE 56 AREAS that the politicians think of when it comes to national elections.

Who knew about Guam belonging to the USA? I didn't.
Who knew about Northern Marianas also under the USA ? I didn't.
Then there's Virgin Islands.
Then there's Puerto Rico.
Then's there's "District of Columbia" which is in limbo (not showing any delegates as yet.)

So ... Obama, much to my distress, was thinking of the 56 areas with delegates + the one in limbo = 57 is my presumption.

Okay, Obama, all has been explained and you are forgiven for saying this in 2008.   LOL

Although, you should have said States AND Terrorities ... but I guess I know now  what you meant to say.

Conclusion:   Conservatives know to acknowledge and admit they were wrong  .... something that the Left finds impossible to do.

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