Monday, March 5, 2012

Muslim crimes of murder in Canada

Phyllis Chesler talks about her interview with SunTV's Coren on the topic of "honor" killings.

.... I should have congratulated Canada for prosecuting both the actual perpetrators and the collaborators in the Shafia Honor Killing. However, the 25 years without parole sentence for the murder of the four Muslim female victims only amounts to 6 1/2 years for each victim. Not good enough. (Am I this bloodthirsty?)

I should also have congratulated Canada for, after twelve years, and a complex legal battle, now being ready to extradite Malkit Kaur Sidhu, the heartless Sikh-Canadian mother who had her daughter brutally murdered abroad because the young woman had dared to marry a social inferior.

Canada did not try Aqsa Parvez's mother who lured her daughter home from a protective shelter. The United States did not try the Said sisters' mother who also lured her girls home to certain death at their father's hand in Irving, Texas. Nor did the US try Noor Almaleki's mother who helped her husband flee. It should have done so. These mothers are all accessories to murder.

Host Michael Coren (an excellent interviewer), gave me the opportunity to "own" my own research. He noted that 91% of honor killings in the West are perpetrated by Muslims. And, said I, that statistic is mine, I reported that precise percentage in my 2010 study published at Middle East Quarterly.

I quickly pointed out that Hindus and Sikhs do commit honor killings as well but they do so mainly in India; Hindu immigrants do not conduct themselves this way in the West. For nearly two years now, various people have used that particular statistic without noting where it came from.....

h/t: Pam


  1. Excellent interview, though I think she gives too much of a pass to Sikhs, at least. There've been some horrific murders within that community to which - as far as I have been able to ascertain - would fall into the category of 'honour killings'

  2. Frances, you are right about the Sikhs. They are also as militant as the muslims and many of them don't assimilate with the people of the country they migrate to. The Hindus and Sikhs, when they kill their young married women it's because the husband and his family feel cheated if she does not bear him a son (daughters are not counted as human beings) or they suspect her of some imagined wrongdoing.
    On another note, I go "ugh" every time I see the Conservative MP with his ugly beard and turban... forgot his name, but you know who I mean. Appearances do count, no matter what we say to the contrary, otherwise why would we dress up at all, why not jaunt around in the buff ? :}


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