Thursday, March 22, 2012

More gifts from the Religion of Peace .... which go largely unnoticed

Imagine our planet without the curse of islam.  I get a buzz every time  I  think of it.

2012.03.21 (Tank, Pakistan) - A female Red Cross worker is killed by suspected militants during an attempted abduction
2012.03.21 (Muqur, Afghanistan) - A Taliban rocket fired into a bazaar shreds three civilians.
2012.03.21 (Zafaraniyah, Iraq) - Sunnis slit the throats of a Shiite mother and her three children in their home.
2012.03.20 (Karbala, Iraq) - Sunni bombers send thirteen Shia pilgrims straight to Allah.
2012.03.20 (Baghdad, Iraq) - A Shahid suicide bomber murders five civilians

2012.03.20 (Hilla, Iraq) - Mujahideen detonate a bomb outside a cafe, incinerating two patrons.

2012.03.20 (Fallujah, Iraq) - A pregnant woman and her 6-year-old child are dismantled by a Jihad bomb attack on their home.

via: TROP

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