Friday, March 23, 2012

Is a large part of Iraq destined to be annexed by Iran ....

and the rest left to whichever Sunni nation(s) wants to bite off a chunk ?

Recently, a friend of mine made a comment in passing that Iran would take over Iraq or that Iraq would join forces with Iran if it comes to the crunch and they see  their Shiite brothers in Iran going to war either with Israel or USA or both. I had never thought of that scenario before. Now that I have, it's as clear as day.

There's a lot going on in Iraq which the Western media and the Saudi controlled Arabic media like Al Jazeera that  has a voice in our region are not telling the general public. The sectarian violence there is an ongoing issue and will get a lot worse when the last of the US troops are out. The sympathies of the Shiites in Iraq lie firmly with Iran.

If a war is declared on Iran, will a large percentage of Iraqis go to the  Iranian side and fight against Iran's enemies?   I predict they will. Thousands of well trained mercenaries from Iraq will join forces with the Iranian forces.

The pieces that make up the whole picture for the coming WWIII are falling into place.

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