Monday, March 12, 2012

He is a Jamaican coverted to islam, residing in Qatar but everybody thinks he's Canadian ...

because our ever generous Immigration Department has bestowed a Canadian citizenship on this jihadi bastard.

So many wrong turns Canada, so very many. Kenya is smarter than Canada for deporting this slimy scum within hours of his landing there for security reasons. When will the know-it-alls in our own govt. learn how to deal with muslim fundamentalists? When?! When?!

Stewart Bell of NP reports that: The controversial Canadian Muslim preacher Bilal Philips has been deported from Kenya due to security concerns, hours after he landed in the country for a speaking tour, Nairobi newspapers are reporting.

“We had to turn him away because he easily mobilizes people using his controversial teachings wherever he goes,” said Njiru Mwaniki, chief of the Anti-Terrorism Police. “This is dangerous to our country.”

The police chief said Mr. Philips “has been in terror circles,” the Nation reported. The Standard quoted a senior immigration official involved in the deportation, who said, “He is not wanted here because he may poison our youth through his controversial preaching.”...........

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