Monday, February 20, 2012

Wanna see porn ... courtesy of the CBC... Canada's taxpayer funded cable network

WARNING:  Vomit inducing images and actions in the videos below.

Come one, come all ... come see how our tax dollars are spent by our glorious CBC. After the CBC porn programme was exposed by SunTV and the fun vid below was put together by the intrepid blogger  Blazing Cat Fur the disgusting folks at the State funded network went totally bananas handing out threats of legal action right, left and centre. Hard to believe we have a Conservative govt in power, isn't it ?   Hard to believe that a govt. which is presumably for family values, floods the CBC with our tax dollars so they can murder those same  family values that the same govt. supposedly nutures and protects.  Hypocrites.

CBC, please come after me too. The more you threaten, the more empowered you make us. 

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