Thursday, January 12, 2012

Two peoples having a lot in common .... Jews and Hindus build a Passage to India

Phyllis Chesler is one of a kind.  It's so refreshing to read clear and logical thoughts in a way only the very few are capable of doing.  She is one of them.

On January 8, 2012, I delivered a rather passionate speech in Pune, India via skype. I was invited to do so by "Youth 4 Panun Kashmir." The organizers were especially interested in my drawing parallels between Israel and India, Jews and Hindus both of whom have, historically, been genocidally exterminated and driven out of their holy places.

I was approached to speak partly because I have written about Islamic terrorism in India before and partly because I recently took up the case of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, an Indian political leader and economist, who was wrongfully dismissed by Harvard after twenty years for daring to take a "controversial" stand against Islamic terrorism in India.

Here is part of what I said. I think it will be of interest to the readers of Israel National News and perhaps to Israeli diplomats who are in touch with their counterparts in India, because Dr. Swamy was the highest ranking Indian leader to first visit Israel in the early 1980s. His visits led to the establishment of an Indian Embassy and an Israeli Embassy in Israel and India.....

h/t: Pam

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