Friday, January 20, 2012

How jobs disappear in Dalton McGuinty's Ontario

The article below at the commie TorontoStar, has the commies getting mad in the comments at .... Direct Engery for going away instead of addressing the root problem. Nothing new .... it's the commie way. They never stop to think that if the doors are thrown open to competition it's the consumer that benefits and the service providers are forced to not only improve their output but give you good deals for your custom.  Oh dear God .... why did you make commies so stupid !!!!

Citing Ontario’s failure to fully open energy markets to competition, Direct Energy is moving its corporate headquarters to Houston, eliminating 500 jobs in Toronto.

The company will continue to operate in Ontario, where it employs about 2,000 people servicing water heaters, heating and air conditioning units, and offering energy contracts for electricity and natural gas.

But most of the corporate office staff will be laid off over the next 12 to 18 months as the company moves to Texas from the current headquarters on Sheppard Ave. E. near Victoria Park Ave.

Few of the Toronto staff will be offered positions in Houston, said spokeswoman Hilary Marshall. She said the move to Houston is consistent with the company’s outlook for expansion.

“We’re a company with a growth strategy built on the need for deregulation,” she said. “We envision that the majority of our growth is going to come from the U.S. where we’re seeing more regions opening up” to competition.

The northeastern states offer growth prospects for electricity, she said, and Direct Energy has been active buying up other energy retailers in that market. In Ontario, the electricity market “is not open to competition, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to move in a direction where you’re going to have competitive wholesale markets, which is a requirement for competition,” she said.

Ontario energy minister Chris Bentley could not be reached for comment...........

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