Saturday, December 31, 2011

Trying to catch up with the Caliphate's rampage ....

is not easy. Far too many events are happening and far too many inroads are paved, infiltrated and captured by the evil side. The Caliphate is on a breakneck stampede, it's goal is to trample us underfoot and nothing's gonna stand in it's way. We are giving up without even a whimper because our political overlords tell us everything is fine and dandy ... nothing to worry about. The only panic we have a licence to act upon is global warming, which we are of course responsible for because we puny humans are mightier than the SUN. Welcome to the dark ages. I predict nothing good for us infidels in 2012.... whereas the Caliphate will become stronger with each passing day.

... The insularity of the liberal mind is astonishing. It brings to mind the anecdote about Emperor Ferdinand of Austria (deposed for incompetence in 1848). He went hunting and shot and eagle. The bird fell to his feet, and Ferdinand said, “It’s got to be an eagle — but it’s only got one head!”...............

....According to the report, the Salafist Ansar El-Sonna association received LE181.7 million ($30mn) from Qatar and LE114.5 million ($19mn) from Kuwait, which was approved by former minister of social solidarity Ali Meslahi on February 12, 2011. The report named those two donations as the biggest received by any Egyptian NGO in 2010 and 2011. The report also concluded that the April 6 Youth Movement had not received any foreign funding, accusations that had stalked the revolutionary movement for months.....

As our nation celebrates Christmas, Christians in the nations we shed blood and treasure for to establish democracy face extinction. For Christians in Iraq and Afghanistan, it may be the last Christmas ever.............

Waxing the pyramids.

Ugandan Pastor is blinded by acid attack.

....The world, as usual, offered its wishy-washy, half-hearted condemnations. Although Boko Haram has been bellowing its straightforward goals for over a decade — enforcing Sharia law and subjugating, if not eliminating Nigeria's Christians — the word so many Western leaders, from the White House to the Vatican, selected to characterize this latest Muslim attack on Christians was "senseless"— which implies no motive, no goal, no rhyme, no reason. Reading the mainstream media's coverage of these attacks, one walks away without any sense of continuity or context.

Consider the coverage by the New York Times's Adam Nossiter. After stating the facts, Nossiter explains:
The sect, known as Boko Haram, until now mostly targeted the police, government and military in its insurgency effort, but the bombings on Sunday represented a new, religion-tinged front, a tactic that threatens to exploit the already frayed relations between Nigeria's nearly evenly split populations of Christians and Muslims.
This sentence is teeming with problems. For starters, Boko Haram has not stopped terrorizing Nigerian Christians -- killing thousands of them, and bombing or burning hundreds of churches. Considering that just last Christmas Eve, 2010, Boko Haram bombed several churches, killing nearly 40 Christian worshippers, the New York Times's characterization of these latest attacks as "represent[ing] a new, religion-tinged front" is not only unconscionable, but unprofessional..........

h/t: SF/Lynn/Pam

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