Monday, December 19, 2011

I hate bananas .... especially the Chiquita kind

Chiquita would rather buy oil from countries that behead old women for sorcery   but Canada's oil is to be boycotted.  One gotta do what the arab masters tell you, right Chiquita?  

A radio ad will hit airwaves across the country this week, continuing the call for Canadians to boycott Chiquita Brands International after its decision to boycott oilsands crude.

The ad, created by in response to the Chiquita oilsands boycott announced last week by ForestEthics, calls on Canadians to boycott Chiquita for its decision to rely on “conflict oil from some of the world’s most odious regimes.”

ForestEthics announced Thursday it was working with the U.S. company to eliminate shipping of Chiquita bananas with fuel from refineries that use the crude.

“We wanted to call on all Canadians to boycott Chiquita products,” said Kathryn Marshall, blog spokeswoman, explaining the reasoning behind the ad.

“We think it’s important we fight back as Canadians ... and send a strong message.”

Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney tweeted Saturday night: “I gather that Chiquita Bananas has no problem with Iranian oil, but is boycotting Canadian oil. No more Chiquita bananas for me.” ......

If you want to show your displeasure with the antics of Chiquita go here and send them a note.

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