Sunday, October 23, 2011

More demonstrators in London demanding EU referendum than occupy nuts asking for .. I still don't know what exactly

Daniel Hannan knows which group will get more coverage in the media.   It's a foregone conclusion.

It's not clear exactly how many people are encamped next to St Paul's Cathedral. Most estimates put the number at between 200 and 400, depending on precisely what time of day you do the headcount.

What is clear is that there are presently many more people in Westminster demanding a referendum on EU membership than in the City complaining about capitalism. I have just spoken at a rally of the People's Pledge, at which more than 2,000 people were present. What's more, we know that those 2,000 are representative of the country as a whole. They are a fraction of the 100,000 whose signatures triggered Monday's proposal for an In/Out referendum – a proposal which, as a poll in today's Daily Express reveals, more than two thirds of voters want their MP to back. A further 80,000 have pledged to vote only for pro-referendum parliamentary candidates ........

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