Thursday, September 1, 2011

How leftists can falsify history

Claims that Thomas Jefferson, the USA's 3rd Prez,  had fathered children with his slave Sally Hemings are being disputed in a new book. The DNA did lead to the Jefferson family but it now appears that it could have been another male of the Jefferson clan and not the 3rd Prez himself.

The reason I am posting about this is because I absolutely loved one of the comments to the article in the WashingtonTimes. You will love it too. I highlighted the parts I agreed with wholeheartedly.

via: Drudge
This is not really new information, some of us have known this for years---that it was most likely Jefferson's brother or nephew. But it is good that the evidence is being brought out. The people who buy the theory are usually leftists who think that that should discredit everything Jefferson did. The man died in debt, having put much of what he had into making the country better. Most likely he would not have done that and made arrangements to provide for his children.

One must remember that the original accusation was a lie made by a political opponent.

I for one, am tired of the haters and it's time to tell the congressional black caucus to put a sock in it. Most of them are evil people who keep stirring up hatred and reentsments instead of telling their coinstituents to shut up, study, learn, practice, work hard, shut your mouth and your legs and get an education and get job and pay taxes like the rest of us. Take your success in your own hands instead of whining that you're not getting instead by using govt to steal from your tax paying neighbors and tell the cbc slavemasters that they can go to hell.

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