Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dalton McGuinty vote whore extraordinaire is also Don Vito Corleone alive and well

Mafia tactics are the order of the day in Don Dalton McGuinty's camp.

In the above vid McGuinty's thugs block access to Conservative candidate Andrea Mandel-Campbell as she attempted to attend the launch of Dalton McGuinty’s platform release on Sep 5.

Also, in another incident which you will find  hard to believe because naively you are under the impression that Liberal candidates of today are like the Liberal minded Canadians of yesteryear. Nothing is far from the truth. Most of the candidates belonging to this new breed in the Leftish parties of today's Canada employ tactics that would put Don Vito Corleone and his  Mafia of old to total shame.

At McGuinty's campaign event a couple of days ago, students who do not support Dalton McGuinty and the Ontario Liberal Party were advised to leave the room. The six students who left the room were then labeled as “anarchists".

Hard to believe? No ... not in our new Canada. Freedom of speech and expression are being strangled to death right before our eyes.

The shameful handling of the students who were not Liberal-minded happened at the Markville Secondary School. Steve Paikin of TVO's The Agenda was present at the event and he tweeted:

awaiting @Dalton_McGuinty at markham secondary sch. the teacher just said to studs "if you're anti-lib, you can leave." 6 kids did. #onpoli

His subsequent tweet said:

the teacher continues: "ok, now that the anarchists have left..." @Dalton_McGuinty visiting a robotics class. #onpoli

Cry a little for our Canada and pray a lot for her.

h/t: Pam

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