Saturday, August 13, 2011

Philadelphia being saved from being the next London by Mayor Nutter

Hats off to Mayor Nutter. Tough guys like him are needed to deal with black kids who have inherited their entitlement mentality from their parents and maybe even from their grandparents. What a downright shame these numbnuts bring on the rest of the black community who are decent, law abiding, non-entitlement seeking, plain good folks.

A few minutes before the city's 9 o'clock curfew went into effect Friday night, 16-year-old Ryan Stanton was pretty sure he wouldn't be arrested for violating it on South Street.

"They shouldn't be able to violate my rights," said Stanton, who came from Mount Laurel to hang out with friends. "If the cops ask me, I'm gonna explain why I have the right to assemble peacefully."

That didn't work out too well for him. By 9:15 p.m., Stanton was in a police van at 5th and South streets waiting to go to the 3rd District station at 11th and Wharton so his parents could pick him up.

"We're going to take this very seriously," said police spokesman Lt. Ray Evers as officers did paperwork for Stanton and a few other kids. "We're setting a tone, and that's important."

Mayor Nutter set the curfew for kids younger than 18 in Center City and University City earlier this week in response to the recent rash of teen mobs.

On South Street, Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey drove down the street at the start of the curfew, and officers could be seen enforcing it, checking the ID of anyone who appeared younger than 18.........

....The questions ranged from tourists worried that they should cancel their vacation plans in Philadelphia to residents wanting to know why the parents of these children aren’t being punished. Bethel said in the chat that the average age of kids in these mobs is 14 to 16, but police have arrested kids as young as 11......

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