Monday, August 22, 2011

Paging PM Stephen Harper and Immigration Dept honcho Jason Kenney

Remove the wax clogging your ears and listen carefully. You guys will go down in the history books as being Conservative dhimmis of the worst sort, worse than the Liberals, and that's because you have not stopped importing millions of muslims into Canada, these same muslims or their offspring will bring chaos and tragedy to Canada one day pretty soon.

Pull up your socks and stop being such prime time stupidos. Stop continuing with the same policy mistakes the Liberals made and stop taking Canada on the same horror pathway that the UK finds itself on now. Are you guys totally tone deaf and stone blind ?????  Wake up before it's too late for all of us !!!!

Read the comments at :!

The YouTube user BarclayAvenue has some videos which should be watched

via: CIR

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