Sunday, July 24, 2011

The DHS's political correctness is puke inducing

99% of terrorist attacks are committed by muslims, yet the USA's DHS wants to bring attention to the 1% non-muslims as being someone you should have your eyes on.   Great !!!

And, now with that blasted insane blue-eyed terrorist in Norway going on a murderous rampage, the socialists are gloating merrily  "we told you so".

Damn you Breivik !! Hope you go to prison for the very maximum and I hope your soap keeps slipping from your hands every time you take a shower. 

Are the guys in Norway total wimps?  The killer was going around looking for targets  a good 90 minutes and nobody had the guts to pelt him with stones or whatever ?    
This terrorist act is the best advertisement for a gun manufacturer to use to the maximum.   If at least one of these wimpy ones was carrying a gun, things might have been different. 

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