Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wanna go on a cruise and stay at The Grand Palace Hotel, Gaza ?

Well ... you are a little bit too late, because the best of the hardcore anti-semites have taken all the available cabins on the flotilla and are living it up, stopping at the various ports along the way, getting those golden brown suntans, basking in luxury, breakfast of scrambled eggs and omelets with olive cheese. Lunch menu to die for, dinner of divine kebabs and the most succulent of roasted lamb with a chunck of goat cheese spiced with paprika. Yummy !!

Just imagine being in Greece at this year in history ... right along your brethren the car-burning anarchists. And, after that yupping it up with the stone throwers in Gaza. Itinerary will include picking up souvenirs for the sponsors and other anti-semites back home from the Grand Gaza Mall, taking in the latest Arabic movie or a live performance at the Gaza Movie Theatre, maybe go for a swim in the cool crystal waters of the Gaza grand pool.... the stuff to do will be endless. Enjoy yourselves just like the Gazans do.

What more could one ask, right? Perfect cruise, perfect vacation.

Now mind you .... don't forget to send postcards from those exotic port cities and from Gaza to all your sponsors and well-wishers. There, there ..that's a good anti-semite, yes you are ... pat, pat.

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