Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blood-thirsty Saudi Arabian vampires bleeding Indonesian maids to death

Saudi Arabia bring women from Indonesia for employment in  their households and from the moment these poor women step unto their soil they are enslaved, tortured, raped and worked around the clock.  Remember how low Obama bowed to the Saudi king?  Worst president ever with the worst king of the worst country on earth.

...There are 28 Indonesian maids currently on death row in Saudi Arabia, as well as 1,000 languishing in different jails across the Kingdom for petty crimes. More than 1.2 million Indonesian workers live and work in the Kingdom.....

Indonesia has called home its ambassador to Saudi Arabia for consultation following the execution of an Indonesian maid in Makkah on Saturday.

The horrific treatment of Indonesians working in Saudi Arabia has become so dire, that:
Indonesian lawmakers on Tuesday urged the government to stop sending migrant workers to the Middle East, and especially Saudi Arabia, after the beheading of a maid who murdered her Saudi employer.  Parliamentarians said the Kingdom and other Gulf states should not benefit from cheap Indonesian labor until they agreed to protect workers’ basic rights.

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