Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thank you Jason Kenney, Immigration Minister

Clash of the Libyans in Canada.  Pro and Anti Gadhafi groups go at each others' throats.

Dear Libyans in Canada   (Canadian Libyans? Libyan Canadians? how do we address you lovers of Libya ?) ... how about you all go back to Libya and kill other over there.

This sort of thing was bound to happen when our Immigration Dept is hell-bent on importing moslems in their tens of thousands into our once peaceful country. These moslems are never ever happy unless they get to scream, whine, shout and generally make a nuisance of themselves. These people just love killing as much as Jason Kenney loves his curry. Instead of being grateful and thanking their stars that they are no longer in Syria, these blasted folks come out to scream and rave like the madmen they are and wind up clashing with each other.

You folks are in Canada now and although you can have your protests ... they have to be peaceful. I know that word is not in your dictionary, along with tonnes of other words ... but it's time you learnt what "peaceful protest" really means before you come out armed with your microphones and your hatred in the streeets of Canada.

Thank you Jason Kenney.
Thank You Conservative govt..... Didn't you import more moslems in the last 4 years then did the Liberals for same period during their reign?

Shame on you.

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