Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Syria is determined to quell the rebellion and damn the consequences

Ban Ki-moon has woken  up .... although he still looks very sleepy and half drunk. And, he is delusional if he thinks the UN can have any influence on arab dictators. This guy is one big joke just like the UN org. he serves !!!  Everybody working at the UN are pawns in the hands of the dictators of the Middle East. They are so indebted  to the dictators for all the gifts of  gold necklaces, wall clocks  and what not heaped on these crooks,  their voices have been rendered useless.  What a sorry lot !!!

.....UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called on President Bashar al-Assad to end a six-week clampdown on opposition supporters.

Some 2,843 people are confirmed as detained, although campaigners say the total could be nearer to 8,000......

In the meantime .... the Syrian dictator has brought out his tanks and thousands of soldiers with instructions to keep  spilling  more blood.

Canadians of Syrian origin .... are you watching? Do you still consider Syria to be your home ... whether blood-soaked or not?

Dozens of Syrian tanks and troop transporters have been sent to the city of Homs as the government continues to arrest hundreds of opposition activists, witnesses say.......

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