Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our new cabinet

Keep this list handy  for when you want to tell them what's what.  Don't forget they want to hear from you.  Without your input, you can't expect them to do what you expect them to do.

Stephen Harper: Prime Minister
Rob Nicholson: Justice and Attorney General
Marjory LeBreton: Leader of the Government in the Senate
Peter MacKay: Defence
Vic Toews: Public Safety
Rona Ambrose: Public Works and Government Services and Minister for the Status of Women
Diane Finley: Human Resources and Skills Development
Bev Oda: International Co-operation
John Baird: Foreign Affairs
Tony Clement: Pres. of the Treasury Board and Min.for the Fed. Economic Dev. Initiative for N. Ontario
Jim Flaherty: Finance
Peter Van Loan: Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
Jason Kenney: Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism
Gerry Ritz: Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board
Christian Paradis: Industry and Minister of State (Agriculture)
James Moore: Canadian Heritage and Official Languages
Denis Lebel: Transport,Infrastructure&Communities and Min of the Economic Dev. Agency of Canada PQ
Leona Aglukkaq: Health and Minister of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Keith Ashfield: Fisheries and Oceans and Minister for the Atlantic Gateway
Peter Kent: Environment
Lisa Raitt: Labour
Gail Shea: National Revenue
John Duncan: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
Steven Blaney: Veterans Affairs
Edward Fast: International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway
Joe Oliver: Natural Resources
Peter Penashue: Intergovernmental Affairs and President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada
Julian Fantino: Associate Minister of National Defence
Bernard Valcourt: Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency)
Gordon O'Connor: Minister of State and Chief Government Whip
Maxime Bernier: Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism)
Diane Ablonczy: Minister of State of Foreign Affairs (Americas and Consular Affairs)
Lynne Yelich: Minister of State (Western Economic Diversification)
Steven Fletcher: Minister of State (Transport)
Gary Goodyear: Minister of State (Science and Technology) (Fed.Economic Dev Agency for S. Ontario)
Ted Menzies: Minister of State (Finance)
Tim Uppal: Minister of State (Democratic Reform)
Alice Wong: Minister of State (Seniors)
Bal Gosal: Minister of State (Sport)

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