Friday, May 27, 2011

Our majority Conservative Government is finding it's feet ............

and standing firm.  Let's hope  the Harper govt. will keep taking further positive steps to uphold what is good and just in a world gone bonkers, and make us all proud. (Emphasis mine.)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper praised a G8 resolution to avoid a reference that has infuriated Israelon the Middle East peace process Friday that, according to a media report, was watered down at his request.

The stir at the summit over Harper's role arose as the G8 leaders emerged with a $40-billion U.S. plan to help Egypt and Tunisia transform from dictatorships to democracies.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said $20 billion would come from multilateral institutions, such as the African Development Bank, $10 billion from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait, and $10 billion in direct bilateral aid from G8 countries — including $1 billion from France.

But Canada refused to commit to any country-to-country aid, saying it has given sufficient funding since 2009 to multilateral institutions tasked to help the region.

Reuters cited diplomatic sources saying that Harper insisted there be no reference to Israel's borders before 1967, when it seized the West Bank and Gaza from Jordan and Egypt, respectively, during the Six Day War.

U.S. President Barack Obama's recent call for negotiations with the Palestinians to be based on those prewar lines has infuriated Israel, even though the U.S. position is that negotiations will then include "land swaps."

"The Canadians were really very adamant, even though Obama expressly referred to 1967 borders in his speech last week," a European diplomat told the news agency.

Harper — seen internationally as one of Israel's most fervent supporters — neither confirmed nor denied the report when asked twice about it by Canadian reporters.

"We are pleased that the statement that came out of the G8 was a balanced statement," Harper said.

The right-wing bloggers down south are singing Harper's praises and I am sure the news media will also talk about the stand Canada has taken.  And, let's not forgot the great speech he gave last year showing that Canada will stand with Israel, come what may.  It feels good to have a majority Conservative govt.  Now if only Jason Kenney would stop moslem immigration to Canada, I would whine a lot less.

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