Friday, May 20, 2011

Israel's friends respond to Prez Obama's speech

I hope the American Jews and especially the Hollywood crowd  that's full of Jews are happy with Obama now.  Are they reaching for their cheque books to make their million $ donations or are they shocked at what the Oscar winning actor of a Prez had to say yesterday?  Given how muddled the drugged out population of California has become, I tend to think the cheque books won't be closed on their hero in the WH. They will still make their excuses for the worst president ever. 

I was waiting to catch something from Sarah Palin as I am sure she would have a lot to say about this issue but as yet, nothing.  Guess she is still busy re. her son's wedding.

Allen West:

Rush Limbaugh:

Mark Levin:

Charles Krauthammer:

Alan Dershowitz at Hudson NY:

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