Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Geert Wilders' blonde halo brightened up Toronto last night

What's that, that  the tone-deaf, stone-blind, dead-brain, poor excuse for human beings, call Geert Wilders?  I am claiming all those words to describe myself too. 

"Bigot, racist, hatemonger, moslem hater"

That's  me too ..... and I am loving it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!   To be considered even 1% like Geert Wilders is like a compliment that I am claiming for moi.          YAY !!!!!!!

Geert Wilders gave a great speech last evening at an event  emceed by Ezra Levant.  If only there were a few hundred   people like these two in Canada, we would not have to fear the onward march of islam in this our country. 

If you are planning to go to the event today in Ottawa, make sure you get there well in advance ... at least 30 minutes before.  The security is more intense than at  airports.

There was a sorry little lot of  brainless tools protesting outside on the pavement.  I could smell marijuana while walking past these nuts.  I gave a couple of them my nasty eye.... made no impact.  Does not work with the brain-dead.

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