Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Forever Jihad for Egypt .... Thank you Obama

Hello there Egypt, how's that revolution going?
It's going beautifully for us murderers, rapists and jihadists. Thanks for asking.

The inimitable Nonie Darwish, who was born in Egypt,  has this to report: A well known Islamic leader in Egypt by the name of Abu Ishak Al Huweini, who often appears on Egyptian TV, has recently said the following in Arabic and I have translated it into English.

We are at a time of Jihad; Jihad for the sake of Allah is a pleasure, a true pleasure. Mohammed’s followers used to compete to do it. The reason we are poor now is because we have abandoned jihad. If only we can conduct a jihadist invasion at least once a year or if possible twice or three times, then many people on Earth would become Muslims. And if anyone prevents our dawa or stands in our way, then we must kill them or take as hostage and confiscate their wealth, women and children. Such battles will fill the pockets of the Mujahid who can return home with 3 or 4 slaves, 3 or 4 women and 3 or 4 children. This can be a profitable business if you multiply each head by 300 or 400 dirham,. This can be like financial shelter whereby a jihadist, in time of financial need, can always sell one of these heads (meaning slavery). No one can make that much money in one deal (from hard work) even if a Muslim goes to the West to work or do trade. In time of need, that is a good resource for profit.”

If you have not heard Nonie Darwish's views on islam .... below is an example.

Can I please make another prediction? Here goes whether you want it or not. I predict that Egypt will be in a civil war before the end of 2011.

h/t: Irene

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