Sunday, February 13, 2011

In which Sarah Palin hires a COS and other stuff that give me hope

1) Millions of Palin supporters are hopeful that this move is a sign of good things to come.

2) Daniel Hannan, one of UK's stalwarts wants his govt to withdraw from the EU's convention on HRs. Those virus-laden organizations are as plague-ridden  over there in the EU as they are over here in Canada.

3) Immigration Minister, Jason Kenney is proving to be pretty outspoken and that's definitely a good thing.  Looks like he is getting over the "politically correct" virus.                    via: CIR

4) At long last a debate on multiculturalism? Hmmmm It sure is a hot topic. The Globe&Mail's article has generated over 2000 comments proving it to be so.             via; CIR


  1. This is off-topic Marie. It pains me to see that many American blogs as well as Canadian ones are singing Chris Christie's praises.
    If he runs and gets elected, he will be worse than obama.

  2. Not this blog Simon. I could see thru him from day one. I know that The Right Scoop and others were all gaga over him with their "Christie porn" posts... they know better now.... at least I hope they do.


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