Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Egypt .... going, going..... almost gone ... to the cavemen

From day one of the Egyptian revolution many of us knew that.... didn't we ?   These kind of predictions are so easy to make. Obama and Hillary Clinton must be so pleased with their foreign policy decisions.  Egypt will  further explode into a civil war because there will be million of Egyptians who will not give up and give in to the cavemen who are anxiously waiting like hyenas to bring about  their version of  hell.

There are rumors that the terrorist wing of the Muslim Brotherhood the dreaded Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya   will be involved in the formation of the new govt in Egypt.

This is from a study on this deadly group that was done in 2002 by the Centre for Defence Information (CDI) ....An offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya originally sought the overthrow of Egypt's secular regime and the creation of an Islamic state. However, unlike the Muslim Brotherhood, its members believe only in violent jihad with no room for diplomatic compromise. In recent years they have expanded their targets to include U.S. and allied interests abroad.

Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya formally organized in 1973 in the Upper Nile regions of Al-Minya, Asyu't, Qina, and Sohaj. At first, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat gave the group's members free reign, covertly supplying them with arms with which to defend themselves against potential attacks by Marxists or Nasserites. Quickly, they gained strong support among the university populations in both Cairo and Alexandria......

If these cavemen get any say in the future of Egypt, do you see a prosperous future for Egypt or more cave dwellings ?

1 comment:

  1. I think it was clear from the very beginning of that "revolution" that things would end up like that. There is no industry, rule of law or any other preliminary condition, which may support democracy.

    The Muslim Brotherhood savages will probably destroy most of the ancient artifacts, which will bring to an end Egypt's tourist industry.

    But that may be good for Israel in long term, because if things get that bad, Barry Obama and the EU eunuchs will be forced to take a position, unless they want the muzzies to take over their countries.


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