Friday, February 25, 2011

A bonfire of Canadian lawyers on a cold winter's night would be so very welcomed

Our Immigration Minister, the Hon. Jason Kenney finds his cohones, holds on to them tight lest they go wandering again, and lashes out at our judges who cry buckets in their flowing robes... so many buckets of salty tears for criminals, and mind you ...only for those that do wrong...never for the victims, that they have turned into pillars of salt.  Our Canadian judges, lawyers and the entire justice system works on behalf of criminals and never gives a hoot for the victims, ever.  When the Immigration Minister pointed out a few home truths, out came a horde of vampiric lawyers criticizing the Minister.

In a letter to Kenney sent Feb. 22, CBA president Rod Snow said Kenney's comments undermine confidence in the judiciary.
"Your public criticism of judges who follow the law but not the government's political agenda is an affront to our democracy and freedoms," Snow wrote
Mr.Snow.... for your kind information, the Canadian public has long lost all confidence in the Canadian justice system. In the name of "democracy" many lawyers and judges have been instrumental in letting criminals get off scot free or with the minimum of prison terms.  Don't try telling us that Kenny's comments would be responsible for undermining the public's confidence. That confidence, dear sir, has been undermined by lawyers like you.

On another note, the Canadian Immigration Minister seems to be coming of age. It's never too late to remove the blinders from one's eyes, as he seems to be doing of late.  Kudos to him.

The children of immigrants must join mainstream society if Canada is to avoid the multicultural collapse now plaguing parts of Europe.

That was the notion presented by Jason Kenney, federal minister of citizenship, immigration and multiculturalism, Tuesday in a meeting with QMI Agency's editorial board, where he said Canada needs to focus on reducing the amount of ethnic enclaves locked out of mainstream society for generations.

"I would say by and large Canada's approach to managing diversity has been pretty successful," he said, but added: "We can't take that success for granted."

With Britain and Germany recently declaring multiculturalism at failure in their countries, Kenney said it is crucial immigrants to Canada be provided the education and opportunities needed to integrate themselves into society here.

"There's a natural, inevitable pattern in the settlement of newcomers," he said.
"It only concerns me if we end up seeing ethnic enclaves persist into two or three generations.'

And for that he has my admiration. As for his comment:

"It only concerns me if we end up seeing ethnic enclaves persist into two or three generations."

I would suggest that he visit Thorncliff in East York, Toronto,  and see the birth of Canada's Malmo.  If something is not done pronto about the monster growing in leaps and bounds in that area, then  that part of Toronto is headed towards becoming a  "no go zone"  in the very near future.

via: CIC

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