Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rules and regulations for the MSM by MediaWise Consultants

I found this link on one of the forums I visit.  They call themselves MediaWise and they are the consultants to almost every media outlet the public gets their information from in the UK.  These are some of their guidelines:

Statement on race reporting:
The NUJ believes that its members cannot avoid a measure of responsibility in fighting the evil of racism as expressed through the mass media. The NUJ reaffirms its total opposition to censorship but equally reaffirms its belief that press freedom must be conditioned by responsibility and an acknowledgement by all media workers of the need not to allow press freedom to be abused to slander a section of the community or to promote the evil of racism. The NUJ believes the methods and lies of the racists should be publicly and vigorously exposed.

I don't see them "publicly and vigorously exposing" what the moslems want to do to us, the infidels.  I must be either deaf or blind, or both.

Race reporting:
Only mention someone's race if it is strictly relevant. Check to make sure you have it right. Would you mention race if the person was white? Do not sensationalise race relations issues; it harms black people and it could harm you.

The wording  "it could harm you"  sounds like a threat, doesn't it?

They also consult that:
Immigrant is often used as a term of abuse. Do not use it unless the person really is an immigrant. Most black people in Britain were born here and most immigrants are white. Seek to publish or broadcast material exposing the myths and lies of racist organisations and their anti-social behaviour.

I must be living in a parallel universe, because in my universe I have yet to see the moslems exposed as racist against all infidels and as extremely anti-social towards anybody non-muslim.  Have you ?
You gotta read the whole bing bang political correctness nonsense to get a sense of what is going on with the MSM and how they are indoctrinated, some probably against their will in order to keep their jobs. The codes of conduct for journalists and people in the media are so downright stupid, is it any wonder that people in the field of journalism  talk, sound and write like robots. 

I was truly amazed to see the list of media big names who take their guidelines from MediaWise Consultants. One glaring truth jumps out at you when you read the codes of conduct...the fact that these guidelines being followed by the MSM are deliberately tailored to trample on the rights of "whites" or the indigenous people of the UK while glorifying the non-white immigrants.

No wonder the UK is going down the black hole of nothingness.

Now the question to be asked would be:  Do we have such political correctness busybodies consulting our own media in Canada?

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