Sunday, January 16, 2011

On this and that ... Jan 16

1) Japanese men are not interested in sex. That should tell you why there are tonnes of those pokemon cartoons, games and other thingies coming from there... they devote their time to other "pokes".

2) Al Jazeera and the "Bra" incident.

3) Along with losing ten pounds, my New Year's resolution is to “call out” black democrats, liberals and pundits who unfairly exploit race; using it as a bludgeon to “get their way”. says Lloyd Marcus, Unhypenated American.

4) Stories of Lefty madness ..... The fear and the craziness of the Left .... one deadly brew... more lethal than an atomic bomb. You just don't know how, when and where these crazies will decide to throw their tantrums. Cafferty of CNN is closer to being certified as a stark raving loon. You have to wonder what sort of mushy stuff dwells in the guy's skull.

5) And, here is Kathy Shaidle of Five Feet of Fury on the madness of the rancid nut Jane Fonda.  

6) Voting Female has a whole string of  incidents involving lefty madness and the pure hatred that is alien to conservative minded people.

7) Palin's credibility increases after the Arizona rampage. That's exactly what I had predicted. The Left keeps blundering and keeps blundering and Palin keeps rising and rising.  All is looking good.  The more they try to discredit her, the more the people seem to realize the strength and influence she weilds.

8) 82 year old cancer survivor humilated at Calgary Airport security. See what the moslem invaders have reduced us to....less than human.

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