Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Have you heard these ?

Q: Why did God give Lefties annoying, whiny voices?
A:  So even the blind could hate them.

How about this:
Q: Why was Obama so disappointed when he went to a screening of the "Men who stare at goats"?
A: Being a muslim, he thought there would be more romance.

Wait, wait.... I am not done.
Q: How can you tell a Lefty is lying?
A: His lips move
These and lots more in James Delingpole's new book.  In fact... each and every day of the year, your sole aim should be to drive the nuts, nuttier. 

and check out what James Delingpole has to say about the kind of stuff the humorless lefties keep flinging at him which he just brushes off as  stupid brainless insults.

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