Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Shariah Finance ... will our Ministries of Finance and Treasury please wake up and smell the danger ... Part XV

(Continuance of my research and findings on shariah finance and Canadian financial institutions aka Canadian financial traitors)

Dear readers and fellow Canadian citizens .... I have been like an ostrich concerning this research. For well over a month now I have been silent on this topic. There is so much info that's been collected on Shariah finance's progress in Canada and how far up and how deep it has penetrated, I feel lost and defeated. The info on the kind of  powerful people sponsoring Shariah finance... it makes me feel truly defeated, defenceless and depressed. Instead of writing about it, I have been doing anything but.  My only excuse is that it is far easier being an ostrich then trying to expose this area of the battle against islamization of our country.

It's a very difficult task and I am not able to expose it the way it should be exposed. I know Tarek Fatah tried and then suddenly gave up. I think I understand now how he must have felt. It can make one feel vanquished in every sense of the word, more so when layers and layers of information can  show  there are too many bankers, financiers, journalists, universities, professors and whole organizations involved in promoting Shariah finance in Canada.  But, the truly defeating aspect of it is the knowledge that all this is going on  without our Ministries of Finance and Treasury and for that matter nobody in our govt doing a damn thing to stop it.

Sometimes, I wonder why I,  as a first generation immigrant woman of color who has been in Canada for less than 15 years and who has been a citizen of Canada for just a dozen years or so, should get into such a huff and a puff over keeping Canada safe from islamization if the citizens of this country whose ancestors have been here for generations upon generations don't give a rat's fart about submitting to islam. I wonder why I take the abuse from lefties who send me the most intriguing insults possible and I wonder how I keep posting without knowing if any of it has made even the kind of impact a drop makes in a turbulent ocean.

For today, please go to this link:     http://stopshariahnow.org/
and watch Joy Brighton's presentation to the Family Research Council in Washington D.C.

And, if anybody feels the need to read more on my past posts regarding this topic go here: http://dodocanspell.blogspot.com/search?q=shariah+finance

Hopefully by tomorrow, I will get out of this depressive funk I have been flung into and start showing you how wide, deep, high and all over shariah finance's  hold has spread into Canada and getting stronger by the day.

1 comment:

  1. I forward your articles to my family and friends. Now thanks to you more people know the meaning of sharia revenue.


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