Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kenyan PM wants to crackdown on gays

I simply love it when I can gloat and say "I told you so" and especially to the gay community of Canada who being largely hard left politically, like to point their fingers at the Conservative govt and at Israel and make them both to be villians of the worst sort.

The gay community are so dense that they refuse to accept the cold hard fact  that islam wants to see them hanged, beheaded, buried up to their necks and stoned to death,  burnt alive .... in a word DEAD. The icing on the cake of the gay community's "Dementia Palooza" is when these nitwits hold mass rallies in support of Hamas and  scream their protests  against Israel.  How downright stupid can one get ?!!!

Do you recognize the Kenyan PM's name? It's Raila Odinga. Ring any bells? No. How about this pic then?

Yup, folks !!! Obama's dear sweet cousin, the moslem cousin of the moslem Prez of the USA, the prez  who gets in a twist if you imply he is moslem. Don't forget Obama campaigned for the guy in Kenya.

I wonder if the gay community of the world will hold some teeny, weeny, itsy bitsy, little, smallie protest march in support of their gay brothers being prosecuted in Obama's homeland. What are the bets they won't?   They can be obnoxiously loud and crude only in democratic nations.... anywhere else, they are dead meat.

Prime Minister Raila Odinga has ordered a nationwide crackdown on homosexuals in Kenya.

Mr Odinga on Sunday said that police should arrest anyone found engaging in such behaviours and take appropriate legal action against them....

h/t : Irene

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