Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Items worth your glance

1) Rex Murphy on those numbskulls with white poppies. Certainly when most people think of Nov. 11, on the nation’s great commemoration — our remembering — of the horror and magnitude of the sacrifices of our soldiers and their loved ones in all wars since the First World War, their thoughts are primarily “inscribed with woe,” a compound of regret, remorse and gratitude.

2) Atlas Shrugs has this little gem where an Iranian heavy weights 2nd place holder refused to shake hands with the Israeli winner on the podium at some weight lifting contest overseas. How pleased will Amamadjacket be with the guy when he gets home and what will he give him for not shaking hands with their enemy? Read to find out. Pure fun!!!

3) Just finished reading "Solo" by Rana Dasgupta. Why is it that great writers are known and read by so few and crappy ones with their expensive PR machines become overnight bestsellers? Rana Dasgupta has the kind of writing that comes to only a select few. The story shows largely the pitfalls of Communism through the thoughts of a man who is a century old at the start of the novel.  However, quite subtly the author has also shown what he thinks of Capitalism when it's a tool in the wrong hands. Great read.

4) UK students on instigation of Unions go rioting to protest rising tuition fees. These are the fruits of leftism, bitter, rotten and poisonous. Watch the videos and see if it does not remind you of what happened at the G20 in Toronto.

5) HAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAH read this and laugh at the kind of world we live in. Saudi Arabia wins seat on human's rights at the UN.

1 comment:

  1. The white poppy symbolizes opium production,not non-violent conflict resolution,wherever did those activists get that idea?

    Ignorant. Fools. Every year near to Nov.11th,some nutcase who doesn't know or understand anything about Remembrance Day,pulls a stupid meaningless stunt.

    At least this year there hasn't been vandalism of a War Memorial.



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